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Disinfectant against Corona administer? With this memorable proposal, US President, Donald Trump has made recently for a lack of understanding and indignation.

A day later, he called his words “sarcasm”, but positive at the end of posts in the social networks of long-on-the-go.


The disinfectant chlorine dioxide to kill viruses within seconds – will even if it is swallowed or injected in the body.


Chlorine dioxide, while effective against viruses but it also poses a great danger to the human body. Scientists and authorities warn before taking.


The chemical compound is used as a bleaching agent and for disinfection acts on the skin and mucous membranes irritating to corrosive, such as the Institute for the work informs the protection of the German Statutory accident insurance.

Possible consequences of a chlorine dioxide intake are Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney failure, intestinal damage and blood pressure drop.

“It can therefore be assumed that an injection has even more serious consequences, and not as a medical application against corona virus is suitable,” said Jürgen Floege, Chairman of the German society for medicine, at the request of the German press Agency.

Also, the Federal Institute for risk assessment, and the US health authority, FDA warn of chlorine dioxide solutions.

The funds will be advertised according to the FDA for years as a cure for “autism, cancer, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, flu and other diseases”.

The Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices (BfArM) had classified such solutions already in 2015, as a requirement for approval, and concern.

The civil protection authority of the U.S. state of Washington warned to trump’s Statements, also prior to the ingestion or injection of cleaning agents or disinfectants.

Also, the British consumer goods group Reckit Benckiser, whose brands Sagrotan, stated that disinfectants should be administered “under no circumstances”.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The post “scientists are sounding the Alarm: ingestion of a disinfectant and helps protect against the Coronavirus” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.