L-Thyroxine: Effects, Side Effects, Application Tips

Briefly summarized: L The most Important thing-thyroxine

  • L-thyroxine is a Schilddrüsenhormon and serves, among other things, the treatment of a Schilddrüsenunter function
  • It can take weeks (up to months) until the für the patient matching Wirkstästrength is found
  • L-thyroxine is at the right dosage it is good verträpossible. However, it may slightly under – or übe berdosiert. The latter äußert in the typical symptoms of a Schilddrüsenüberfunktion
  • People with cardiovascular diseases should take the drug especially at the beginning very careful – in close consultation with the doctor
  • L-thyroxine may interact with other medicinal products and is also influenced, in its turn, by medicines and foods

Areas Of Application: Wofür is applied to L-thyroxine is typically?

Ädoctors prescribe the Schilddrüsenhormon häoften, a Schilddrüto treat senunter function. This can, for example, thyroiditis due to Hashimoto or surgery ausgelöst. Furthermore, L-thyroxine treatment of goiter (Struma) is used, but also in order to this, after a OP on the Schilddrüse to prevent. Also in the case of a Überfunktion the Schilddrüse can L-thyroxine used &ndash come; parallel to the administration of Antithyroid agents, i.e. agents which the Schilddrümustard function chokes.

Effect: What are the effects of L-thyroxine?

The Schilddrüse makes two hormones: L-thyroxine (levothyroxine, T4) and Triiodothyronine (Liothyronin, T3). The actual active hormone is Triiodothyronine. There are numerous Stoffwechselvorg&auml influenced;nge and Köof the body functions. For example, it increases the energy-turnover, stimulates the Wärmebildung and has an effect on muscle, fat, liver, and heart, as well as on the growth of children The drug zugeführte L-thyroxine is converted in the organism is also in T3, and shows the same effects. The Köthe body can’t between exogenous and endogenous Schilddrüsenhormon differ.

Part L is administered thyroxine with Iodine. The trace element benöthe K&ouml needed;body, the Schilddrühormones.

What to consider in the application?

People with certain diseases should L-thyroxine at the beginning very careful dosing – in close consultation with the doctor. The Schilddr&uuml should;senwerte häoften be controlled. The doctor or the Ärztin the Wirkst&auml is;rke slowly to the ideal dose. This procedure applies, inter alia, für people with coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, Herzrhythmusstöincreases, Herzschwäche or epilepsy. Also, if a Schilddrüsenunter function long Stoffwechselst&ouml or other;brackets are available.

It may take a few weeks (up to months) until the doctor and the Patient the right Wirkstästrength of L-thyroxine have found that the Schilddrümustard function back to normal lässt. What is the appropriate dose, hädepends on various factors: among other things, Köbody weight, age and pre-existing conditions. Depending on how high or low the TSH value is must be set to the effective amount more individually.

How intense L-thyroxine acts, hängt also to the composition of the Präof Europe. Experts advise, therefore, in many cases, to switch between different drugs. The n&ouml should;tig: Let the TSH value again.

Typically, patients take the Schilddrüsenhormon in the morning, a – at least a half hour before the Frühstück. Best with a glass of water and not with other Geträdrinks, such as coffee or milk. Because food köcan reduce the absorption of L-thyroxine in the gut. Whether you share the tablets dümay – or even müshot – you should with the doctor kläor to the pharmacy to ask. There you can also get tips on how to the Parts works best. L-thyroxine is also in the form of drops verfüavailable.

Füchildren are special instructions for dosage and intake. The leaflet, please note!

Which may cause side-effects L-thyroxine?

Pharmaceutical manufacturer müshot in the package insert of a drug, all known side effects to list. Therefore, this section is often very long and little to inspire confidence.

L-thyroxine properly dosed, normally very few side effects. Sometimes, however, it is difficult and sometimes tedious, the appropriate Wirkstäto find strength. Especially in this time köcan unerwüselect the desired effects occur. These correspond to häoften the symptoms of a Schilddrüsenüberfunktion.

Very häoften, so if there are ten or more than ten percent of the users, it comes to heart palpitations, insomnia, and headache. Häoften, this means one or more than one percent of the people, but less than ten percent of them, occur tachycardia and Nervosität on. Rare intracranial pressure erh&ouml can;Mr, especially in children.

Darüaddition, köa wide variety of complaints due to the ingestion of L can-thyroxine result, which Überfunktion the Schilddrüse. For Example: Herzrhythmusstöincreases, übermäßiges sweating, skin rash, inner restlessness, Muskelschwäche, gastrointestinal complaints, Tremors, Störetention of the menstrual period. In äolder women the active ingredient can the risk of osteoporosis erhöhen. L-thyroxine may cause a decrease in weight. Important: The active substance is not suitable for losing weight!

Interactions: VerträL-thyroxine with other medications and foods gt?

L-thyroxine can interact with many drugs, but also food, exchange. So, this hampered, for example, the absorption of L-thyroxine in the intestine, as well as certain calcium tablets, Eisenpräparate and antacids. The latter bind Magensäure and are used, among other things, in the case of heartburn. Soy-containing products and oily meals köthe absorption of the Schilddrüsenhormons in the intestine reduce.

Drugs such as glucocorticoids ("Kortison"), Beta-blockers (blood pressure lowering), means for Empfängnisverhü("Pille") or hormones for the treatment of menopausal symptoms köcan reduce the effect of L-thyroxine.

Levothyroxine verächanges, in turn, the effect of drugs: for example, the blood-glucose-lowering effect of Metformin, Insulin or glibenclamide abschw&auml can;. Especially at the beginning of a therapy with the Schilddrüsenhormon should people with Diabetes, therefore, regelmäßig blood sugar überprüfen. L-thyroxine can außmoreover, the blood anticoagulant effect of drugs such as Phenprocoumon erhöhen. Therefore, regelm&auml recommend here;ßige controls.

Contraindications: Who should not apply a L-thyroxine?

Those who are allergic to the active ingredient, may not capture it. This also applies if an unhandled Schilddrüsenüberfunktion, an unhandled Nebennierenrindenschwäche or Schwäche the Hirnanhangsdrüse. Also people with acute myocardial infarction, acute Herzmuskelentzümaking or Herzwandentzümaking (Pankarditis) dümay L-thyroxine not apply.

Pregnant dünot may at the same time L-thyroxine and a Schilddrüsenblocker.

Is in the medicine next to the Schilddrüsenhormon still Iodine, apply further counter-ads, including a deferred Schilddrüsenüberfunktion.

Note: This Text enthält is only General information, and does not claim to be Vollstäresistance. Be sure to read the leaflet with your medication carefully and let your doctor and pharmacist for advice.


Technical information about L-thyroxine
Mutschler, drug effects, WVG Stuttgart, 10. Edition, 2013
Krauß/Müller/Under reitmeier, taking Drugs, WVG Stuttgart, 3. Edition, 2014
Gerdemann/Griese-Mammen, interaction-Check in the pharmacy, Govi-Verlag, 2. Edition, 2015
S2k-guideline of the DEGAM: Erhöexcessive levels of TSH in the doctor’s office (accessed January 2018)