Anti-Smoking treatment New Smoking cessation method for smokers to the Test

New stop Smoking study to help heavy smokers Quit

Easy to the cigarette is put away and never again touch it. What managed-smokers, some Ex-for most heavy smokers unimaginable. In spite of several Aufhörversuche they cling to the Fags. According to the University hospital of Freiburg, 97 percent of all heavy smokers succeed no exit without professional help. In a recent study, two Anti-Smoking-treatments tested, the people to help who have already tried in vain to give up Smoking.

The tumor center Freiburg is testing with the support of the German cancer aid, two new methods for Smoking cessation. To that purpose, aufhörwillige smokers are looking for. In the context of a study is to be examined whether a six-week outpatient or a neuntäge stationary weaning is more effective.

Outpatient or inpatient – what is more effective?

The outpatient rehabilitation can be carried out at several locations in Germany, certified Smoking cessation therapist. The inpatient Smoking cessation will be held in the Breisgau Klinik in Bad Krozingen. Still 274 volunteers that wish to participate in the study. The costs are covered, for the most part.

Tailored Smoking Cessation Treatment

“Without professional help, the relapse risk of heavy smokers at 97 percent,” stressed the head of the study Dr. Jens Leifert in a press release to the forthcoming study. The study is now to be examined whether a ambulaente or an in-patient Smoking Cessation treatment is more effective. In addition, it should be determined whether, for certain people, one of the two forms of therapy would be better suited.

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