Pain in the leg
The pain in a sciatica to the feet
The dull drilling pain comes from the buttocks and shoots in the leg, sometimes even to the foot sciatica! Already the ancient Greeks knew of this punishment, they called it sciatica, Hüftweh, because the torment is apparently in the hip and buttocks. In most cases, the Problem lies in the spine: Often, a herniated disc is the cause. The pain is not a disease, but a sign that the sciatic nerve is pinched in The high pressure irritates the nerve, or squeezes him so much that he sends pain impulses.
About five to ten percent of all people with lädiertem lower back know the Problem well enough, the correct medical term sciatica, Lumbo-sciatica or radicular cross is pain. Typically the pain runs from the buttocks to the back of the leg along, sometimes pungent and burning, sometimes like an electric shock. Parts of the leg tingling, or feel like falling asleep. If you are coughing or sneezing, exacerbates the pain.
The sciatic nerve extends from the back to the foot
The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve of our body. Its roots are in the lower part of the spine from the spinal cord and form a plexus. This results in the sciatic nerve. He runs down through the buttocks and hip on each leg, and divides above the knee into two smaller nerves: the peroneal nerve and the tibial nerve. Their Branches reach up to the feet. Without these nerves we would feel in our legs very little, and could no longer move some muscles.
A slipped band presses the disc on one or more roots of the sciatica hurt the buttocks and leg to the foot, mostly along the strip of Skin that the particular nerve supplies. Some people have only mild pain, while others can barely move. In most cases, only one leg is affected. The areas may feel numb or tingling, as if ants walked. Sometimes the muscles are so weak that you can’t stand on the toes.
Fortunately, acute, i.e. suddenly occurring, the symptoms will disappear the sciatica at the latest after a few weeks. However, the thing can become chronic, with Nearly a third of those Affected also has pain after a year of Ischia. Go, therefore, best to see a doctor, if you limp because of your sciatic nerve.
Who smokes, who is particularly large, and who lives under a lot of Stress, has an increased risk of acute sciatica. At risk are people who work hard physically strong or have a lot of lifting and bending and turning. The most Affected are between 45 and 64 years old, if you are the pain attacks.
Please go to the doctor immediately, if you suffer from sciatica and if you have problems controlling your bladder or your bowel. Because behind them there is a severe intervertebral disc can stick incident. The intervertebral disc is crippling, among other things, the nerve roots, the are the sphincter muscles of the bladder and the rectum in charge. Physicians speak in this case of the so-called Cauda-equina-syndrome. The diagnosis is confirmed, will you recommend a specialist a herniated disc Operation, because otherwise your bladder can remain paralyzed.
A sciatica can have various causes. In nine out of ten cases of a slipped band presses the disc on the roots of the sciatica. The consequences are pain, paraesthesia and numbness in leg and foot.
A specialist can find special methods if you have actually pain these radicular cross. Perhaps it is pseudo-radicular pain: they are not caused by a pinched sciatic nerve, but in the case of tight muscles or a crooked sacrum joint. This feels similar to sciatica, but the pain is distributed differently over the leg, and usually the pain only goes to the knee.
Sometimes the spine has become just too tight
The symptoms of sciatica can also be triggered by other diseases. The inner part of the spine – the spinal cord-canal – became, for example, due to wear too tight, can be clamped to the many nerve somewhere. This happens to the nerve roots in the area of the loins, there can be typical sciatic pain.
Even if vertebrae to move against each other, you can squeeze the sciatic nerve at the point where it leaves the spine. Very rarely, tumors can cause to the spine, the agony. An accident, surgery or inflammation can also damage the sciatic nerve or its nerve root.
A detailed conversation with your physician is particularly important. You describe him, what pain, discomfort or numbness you have, and where they occur. You tell him when and how your symptoms occurred for the first Time, and whether, for example, cough, certain movements or postures the pain affect. You have a Tumor or other serious illness, please inform your doctor.
With special investigations, the orthopaedic surgeon can determine whether their complaints actually stem from the sciatic nerve. They will ask you to lie in special positions, or to sit. The Doctor will then move your leg without the need to join in. So she finds out how irritated the nerve in a specific area of the spine.
The specialist will in any case be the so-called Lasègue Test with you. For you to lay on your back, then the doctor will lift your stretched leg, slowly, until it was successively in two specific positions. Do you feel pain exactly in the area, the fact is already before the examination, hurt, sciatica the diagnosis is clear:. You feel back pain in this study, the Test result is negative and orthopedics, will be looking for other causes.
The reflex test: Go to Hack and toes
May your nerves are qequält so that you can no longer do properly. To find out, tests the Doctor your reflexes: With the Hammers you may consider, for example, the knee-tendon reflex. You will also see if your nerves can still perceive the touch of your skin. You do this by rubbing simply on both legs to the affected areas.
In addition, the orthopedist will ask you to do certain Exercises, for example, on the heel or toes, stand on one leg or the big toe lifting. Certain movements are not possible, you can tell the doctor exactly which nerve roots in the Vertebrae are damaged.
For severe cases: take a photo appointment for your vortex
Your pain is very strong or you are after one to two weeks, still no better, can propose to the Doctor for further Checks. With so-called imaging procedures such as Computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a herniated disc in the cross-track.
On x-ray images, however, the intervertebral discs are not to be seen. The pictures can only show whether a Tumor is the cause of the pain. The MRI, however, can be just as good. In the Rest of this procedure, in contrast to Computer tomography, and x-ray absorption has no side effects, as it beams with magnetism instead of harmful x-ray.
The suspicion that a serious injury or a Tumor behind your complaints, the doctor will recommend that you see a specialist and you have a Transfer issue.
If it hurts Go easy on yourself most people: they lie in bed or on the Sofa and hope for improvement. This is understandable – medically, but incorrectly: Prolonged bed rest makes nothing better, instead everything is possibly even worse.
Your doctor will prescribe you the pain pills or injections. Then you can stay without any complaints in an active and their usual daily routine activities. Movement of the tormented sciatic nerve faster recovery than a rigid posture. Of course, they may lie down but from time to time, when the pain is too strong.
May also tablets containing the active ingredient Acetaminophen to help you. Such pills you get without a prescription in the pharmacy. In addition, your doctor may prescribe you a so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with active ingredients such as Diclofenac or Ibuprofen. Also combination preparations, such as Paracetamol with a soothing and codeine to combat the pain. Nothing helps, your Doctor may be on drugs with morphine.
With a prick of the doctor numbs the nerve roots
Sometimes, your doctor pulls out the syringe and Then he injected the roots of a local anesthetic into the spinal canal or in the vicinity of the affected nerve. He can also inject a so-called glucocorticoids, which are hormones that inhibit inflammation and pain may alleviate. The intervertebral disc is displaced, can the surgeon remove the affected intervertebral disc, in whole or in part. Such an Operation is but, fortunately, rarely needed.
Whether home remedies such as massage, cold or heat packs, is not scientifically proven. Sure Finger is away from the chiropractor! In the case of sciatica, the physician should not try by means of specific handles, to bring a suspended or dislocated vertebrae back into their normal position. This method is suitable in the case of sciatic pain.
Even if the pain will torment them violently: Short lie down and a rest is in order. But they don’t stay with your sciatica, if possible, in bed. Bed rest alleviates the symptoms, will help you, but not faster on the legs. On The Contrary.
In order to remain in acute sciatic pain in movement, looking for the best Übungenaus that do not aggravate your symptoms. This can be, for example, water aerobics or regular Cycle on a Home Trainer.
If your pain subsides, you can begin to exercise on a regular basis. A targeted training course builds your back muscles and prevents poor posture. There are many gyms that offer special programs. Let your doctor will advise, what can do you good.
If your sciatic is no improvement in pain despite the therapy after one to two weeks, you should go back to the doctor. You may need a different pain medication, or the actual cause of the agony is not yet found.
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