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The health risks of Smoking should be known, such as lung cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure. Apparently it is but not only is the body affected: A new study from the universities in Belgrade and Pristina now show that Smoking also affects the mental health.

Surveys of more than 2,000 students from the universities in Belgrade and Pristina showed that smoke suffered from students two to three times more likely to have depression than non-Smoking: In contrast to four percent among non-Smoking students were at the University of Pristina of 14 per cent, and at the University of Belgrade, 11 to 19 percent.

Professor Hagai Levine of the University of Jerusalem conducted the study. He said: "Our study contributes to the growing number of Evidence that Smoking and Depression are closely linked. It is probably too early to say that Smoking is depression caused, but tobacco seems to have a negative impact on our mental health impact."

More political Maßto be taken against Smoking

He would welcome it, if political decisions are taken, the psychological effects of Smoking: &quot would be taken into account;I call on the universities, for the health of their students by creating a smoke-free Campus where Smoking is prohibited, but tobacco advertising."

In Israel a new law against Smoking came into force: It is a country-wide ban on the Display of tobacco products in shops is, in addition, the warnings on cigarette packs must cover 65 per cent area, and all tobacco and E-cigarette products must be sold in uniform packaging without customized Logos or company name.