Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan volunteers build nest for baby owls in Saskatoon

A family of great horned owls caused quite a hoot in a Saskatoon neighbourhood this weekend.

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan (WRSOS) received a call about a baby owl being found on the ground near a busy path Saturday morning.

Snowfall over the weekend was most likely what caused damage and issues with the nest from which they fell.

WRSOS president Bonnie Dell was able to safely put the owl back in the tree.

Shortly after, the WRSOS hotline received another call of a different baby owl who had fallen from the same tree. Again, Dell was able to put the fledgling back in the tree.

This wasn’t the last time WRSOS would be helping out the family.

On Sunday, a third baby owl fell from the same nest.

The third owl was smaller than their siblings, so putting them back in the tree wouldn’t be enough. Two WRSOS volunteers helped build a more sturdy nest for the young owl.

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