Thinness reduces life along with obesity

Should have a strong thinness for health can be no less dangerous than obesity – it turned out that both of these factors shorten life. The journal Lancet published the results of a study based on data from nearly 2 million patients in the UK: according to these figures, the lack of body weight as well as excess body mass may lead to reduction of life of four years.

The researchers carefully studied the influence of thinness and obesity on life expectancy, and found that they were able to reduce the life is not worse than excessive weight. Scientists came to the conclusion that for health and long life useful to have a weight within the normal range, but to be rather closer to the more rounded forms, rather than to thin. In particular, the experts stated that “people over 40 years of age with a body mass index closer to the upper limit of normal were least likely to develop the deadly disease”.

The body mass index (BMI) is calculated as the ratio of body mass to growth (ratio of body weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters). Normal BMI from 18.5 to 25, these are the who recommendations.

The authors of the new work found that when body weight close to the lower mark of this rule, the risk of disease in humans, above.

They stated: “Patients whose body mass index was approaching the lower limit of normal, more at risk to various serious diseases.”
In particular, the researchers suggests that thinness and obesity (i.e., low and high BMI) are correlated with the increasing risk of such life-threatening diseases like cancer and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

“The risk of deadly diseases increase as BMI values above normal, and severe thinness, a BMI below normal,” he said about that study co-author Krishnan Bhaskaran.
In addition, it was found that very thin people, like people with obesity, more than others prone to colds. The report also scientists says that the extra pounds are not dangerous for the elderly because in old age the weight gain becomes a protective factor for the organism.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that people significantly lose weight when you eat foods with low energy consumption.