Nova Scotia premier to meet with Inez Rudderham, cancer patient who posted viral video

A young woman with cancer who posted a Facebook video asking Nova Scotia’s premier to meet with her to discuss her treatment is getting her wish.

David Jackson, a spokesman in the Premier’s Office, confirms Stephen McNeil will meet with Inez Rudderham likely sometime later this month.

Jackson says the details are still to be worked out because McNeil is on an overseas trade mission and won’t be returning until May 15.

In her video – viewed 2.6 million times on Facebook – Rudderham details how she was without a family doctor and had to repeatedly visit an emergency room before being referred to a specialist.

Rudderham says she went undiagnosed with Stage 3 anal cancer for two years, and she tearfully described herself as the “Face of the health care crisis in Nova Scotia.”

Last week, McNeil said his government is trying to update an antiquated health system, and added that other jurisdictions face similar issues.

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