Indianertee application and effect

Indianertee not generally referred to blends of the „Native Americans“, but a suspected of the Ojibwa tribe herbal tea, the American looked at the nurse as a cure for cancer ends. This tea is now marketed as Flor Essence.

Table of contents

The most important facts

  • Indianertee, Essiac or Flor Essence refer to a blend of herbs, which goes back, allegedly, to the Ojibwa.
  • The blend consists of red clover, sheep sorrel, elm and rhubarb root as well as later additions.
  • All contained herbs are medicinally effective.
  • René Caisse, which made the Essiac popular, put it against cancer. The effect, however, is not scientifically proven, and the remedy is not, therefore, recognised as a Medicament.

What is “Indianertee”

The medium consists of small sorrel, burdock root, the bark of the American elm and rhubarb root. Dr. Brusch added this later to be red clover, red algae, watercress, and kardobenedikte herb.

  • Benedict herb to strengthen the nerves, acts as a weak antiseptic and wound-healing. It stimulates the metabolism, is effective against diarrhea, it drives the sweat, and promotes Menstruation.
  • Brown seaweed provides minerals, soothes digestion, promotes virility, and stimulates blood circulation.
  • Watercress Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, E and K, essential Oils, tannins, bitter substances, and mustard oil provides glycosides. These include Iodine, iron, potassium, Calcium, zinc, folic acid and Niacin.
  • Rhubarb root strengthens the appetite and is effective against bacteria, enhances digestion and flow of Bile.
  • Red clover provides plant hormones.
  • Elm bark anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, drives the urine and quenches the blood flow, regulates the intestinal flora and stimulates cell formation.
  • Sorrel drives the urine and sweat, and also relieves fever.

All of the substances in the Indianertee have a medical effect. An effect against cancer, however, is not scientifically proven. Similarly, there is evidence that the Ojibwa used this plant ever against cancer.


The tea is usually one to three times a day before meals to drink. There are also capsules and drops. In the application against cancer and the “alternative healers” rates urgently to take while taking Essiac, no Chemo – or radio-therapy on yourself.

Healing teas to the American Natives

To speak of a “Indianertee” as a collective term of medicinal plants, would be so useful, as to speak of a “Europäertee”. Between Alaska and Tierra del Fuego, very different plants with medicinal effect, and as different as the cultures they took were. The “Indians” gave it just as little as the “Indianertee”.

Today, modern medicine uses substances made up of more than 600 Indian medicinal plants, from dandelions to the witch hazel. Native Americans were brewing, for example, tea made from gravel root against infections and fever, from the bearberry, in order to promote the flow of urine and accelerate the labor, from the root of the comfrey for coughs, colds, and hemorrhoids, as well as externally it is applied against Arthritis and sprains. A tea made of Echinacea and Pau d’arco tea is used against infections.

The Ojibwa

The Ojibwa belong to the family of Algonquian and settled in terms of historical linguistics to the Hudson and lake Michigan in the present-day US state of Wisconsin as Minnesota and in Canada. They lived on the “wild rice” (a water grass), fishing and hunting. The land-grabbing of the European immigrants, they survived better than other tribes, since their territory for Farming was not suitable. Today, Ojibwa live in reserves in Canada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Michigan and Montana.

Ojibwa Medicine

The Ojibwa knew four medical specialists, the Jessakid (seer), the Midewiwin (priest), the Wabenos (men of dawn, “medicine men”) and the Mashki-kike-winini (herbal healer). The latter were brewing the different teas from the herbs of the Region. These were used to fight worms and other parasites inside the body. In addition, they served as a natural laxative, or to promote fertility.

Ojibwa tea against breast cancer?

In 1922, Rene Caisse worked at the Sisters of Providence hospital in Haileybury, Ontario. There, they spoke with a female patient, whose breast was scarred. This told her that she would have gotten 20 years ago, breast cancer was diagnosed. An older medicine man (presumably Mashi-kike-winini) the Ojibwa would have given her a medicinal tea from herbs that he had made to a traditional recipe. You would run to Toronto, where Doctors amputated her breast. For a follow-up treatment, you would have had no money, so you the herbal tea of the Ojibwa two Times a day potion. 20 years later, at the age of 80 years, she is still healthy and the cancer is gone.

Years later, the Caisses’s aunt was diagnosed with cancer. She refused chemotherapy and wanted to die. Supposedly she had terminal cancer. The doctor allowed the Caisse, her aunt, the agent is administered, and the cancer disappeared after two months, and the previously terminally Ill is still all of 21 years lived. So is the story.

From Caisse to Essiac

This story got around, and nine Doctors wrote a Petition to the Canadian health Department: “We believe that the treatment of cancer, the nurse Caisse can do no harm, but the analgesic effect and the cancer growth is reduced and thus the life in hopeless cases extended. We guarantee, that your were only given to cases where any other medical or surgical method has failed. But even then, she was able to show successes remarkable Healing. We wish that it gives her the opportunity to put their treatment on a larger Basis of evidence. As far as we know, has adopted them from a patient money that has you treated in the last two years.“

Caisse was a celebrity, and the tea was given the name Essiac – your Name spelled backwards. Sometimes you supplied daily, 50 patients with their tea in an apartment, rented in Toronto. You took no fixed fee, but left the amount of the fee the Concerned. In 1934, the city Council of Bracebridge gave an old Hotel, this rebuild to the cancer clinic. The hospital was always full.

At the age of 72 years, ill Caisses mother to liver cancer, and her daughter splashed her Essiac, and she recovered, and only 18 years later, died. Caisse said: “The indemnified me for all the effort. Thanks to Essiac for my mother were granted to 18 more years of a healthy life. This has given me the strength, all of these persecutions through, and I know of many doctors.“

The clinic must close

Many Doctors were of the “miracle cure” skeptical, other Doctors saw a real effect. So you Frederick Banting, who had mitentdeckt the Insulin, in 1936, wrote: “Miss Caisse, I will not say they have a cure for cancer, but you have more evidence for a positive effect on Cancer than anyone in the whole world.” But the pressure from authorities and medical professionals was so great that Caisse had to close her clinic.

Celebrities Support

An advocate found her in the personal physician of John F. Kennedy, Dr. Charles Armao Brusch. Caisse was now 70 years old and was brought to you by Brusch at his Institute in Cambridge (USA), in order to explore the effect of Essiac. Several Doctors Bruschs clinic of the effect of the Agent convinced. Brusch and Caisse added to the medium of four additional herbal, and felt it was now strong enough to not splash, but administered it as a tea, so patients could take it home.

From Essiac Flor Essence is

Since there was no scientifically valid studies on the effects of Essiac, it has not been approved as a medicinal product. Instead, it was sold under the name Flor Essence herbal tea. The Name Essiac was so well-known that the authorities assumed that the consumer would buy it under this name because its not proven effect against cancer.

Bowel cancer can be cured?

Brusch himself said in 1990: “I support the Essiac therapy today, because I have cured my own bowel cancer using Essiac. My last total examination in August 1989, when my entire intestinal tract examined, showed no signs of a malignant ulcer more. Medical documentation to prove it. Since my diagnosis (1984), I have taken Essiac every day, and my recent examination has given me to certify good health.“

A canadian study of 86 cases, which have been treated with Essiac to the following result: 47 of them were given by the treatment of no Use, and eight led to no outcome, 17 died, a “subjective improvement”, five required fewer analgesics, four languages and can be experienced “objectively” and four were “stable”. All the Affected were treated also conventional, which could explain improvements.

Questionable Statements

Caisse believed that Essiac could have contracted cancer cells at the original site of the tumor to withdraw and disappear. For such a process all the supporting documents are missing. On top of that, contrary to the biological Knowledge of Cell growths. Brusch claimed that Essiac identify poisons, to collect them, column, and ensure that the body will reject you. However, there is no evidence, especially since tumors are not poisons, but proliferating cells.

The explanations for the alleged effect of Essiac against cancer is not enough, and contradict the present-day medical Knowledge.


Essiac is not approved as a medicinal product, but is sold as a dietary Supplement, and therefore it is also not health insurance is paid. The mixtures can cost per month for several hundred euros, because the bottle of the tea costs between 15 and 24 Euro.

Flor Essence – Risks

There are no clinical studies on the efficacy of Indianertee. Because watercress has a high iodine content, should not people who do not tolerate these take such a tea. A danger is that of the anti-cancer effect of documented cancer therapies, say Convinced explicitly in their effect, while the Affected Essiac himself. As a valid treatment, which may mean in the case of cancer, the death is delayed.

Side effects

Some “Alternative medicine” to market Essiac incorrectly as “gentle medicine without side effects”. Of the contained in the mix of plants the following side effects are known:

  • Benedict herb may cause vomiting in the case of more than five grams per Cup, and stomach pain lead.
  • Burdock root can cause allergic reactions.
  • Medicinal rhubarb leads to cramps, in rare cases, watery diarrhea, and contractions of the Uterus. Furthermore, potassium loss, dehydration, muscle weakness, and Edema can be the result.
  • Sorrel results in larger amounts of diarrhea, skin inflammation, and Nausea.
  • Watercress can result in larger amounts of intestinal irritation, in the case of continuous consumption, even kidney pain.
  • Red clover can cause rash, headaches, Nausea and spotting at the Vagina.

(Dr. Utz Anhalt)


  • Cam Cancer: Essiac
  • What is Essiac?
  • Hiller; Melzig: encyclopedia of medicinal plants and drugs in 1999
  • Striker: pharmacy of the Indians: tips from the ethno medicine 2014