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After the Party on the Landwehr canal in Berlin, with hundreds of boats, there is a barrage of criticism. In the social networks, many referred to the action as stupid, selfish, and disrespectful. Above all, a Transparent with the inscription “I can’t breathe” in the midst of the Celebration, found a lot of people are totally inappropriate. Also, the fact that the Demo ended right in front of a hospital has been heavily criticised. On Sunday, thousands of people had been to a Party and on the shore of the landwehrkanal gathered. No masks were worn, or anything else on the minimum taken date. Officially, the Event was logged in as a Demonstration against the extinction of the Berlin club culture. The Alliance “Rebellion of the dreamers” had called up on the Internet. The police had resolved the event then. In a statement on Facebook right, the organizers produced and wrote, the Demo was legitimate, you do not have expected so many participants. Also, you have pointed out before, the Demo on the clearance rules and the Wearing of a mouth guard asked. The information would not reach all the people, it said.