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Smoking cessation brings with it a lot more than to preserve the lung only from further damage. British researchers have observed that after a smoke stop new, healthy cells in the Airways multiply. This leads to a better ratio of healthy and smoke-damaged cells, which protects probably from cancer.

When Smoking, the genetic material in the cells, damage the lining of the lungs. Some of these mutations cause the cells to have a growth advantage. If such changes accumulate, it can lead to lung cancer. In the case of tissue studies of smokers, non-smokers and Ex-smokers, the researchers found that compared to non-smokers, more than 90 percent of the lung cells of smokers had up to 10,000 additional mutations, caused by chemicals in tobacco smoke. More than a quarter of these damaged cells showed at least one Mutation gives the cell a growth advantage, which explains why the risk of lung cancer in smokers is significantly higher.

Surprisingly, there were in the respiratory tract of people who had stopped Smoking, many cells with no smoke-damage: Ex-smokers had a four times. more healthy cells than people that smoke still The study leader, Dr Peter Campbell from the Wellcome Sanger Institute said: "What is noteworthy in our study is that, it turns out that it is never too late to quit. Some of the people in our study had smoked in their lifetime, more than 15,000 packs of cigarettes, but within a few years after the Cessation no evidence of harm caused by tobacco were in the cells that line your respiratory tract." Deeper damage in the lungs, which can lead to chronic lung disorders, but also after the termination of Smoking is not reversible.