Respiratory bacteria affect Asthma

In children with mild to moderate Asthma, a correlation between the bacterial colonization of the upper respiratory has been found ways, and the Severity of the asthma symptoms. In a further Attempt should now be clarified whether specific changes in the respiratory-Multiple are suitable for the asthma therapy.

In children with the first signs of a deterioration in her asthma about staphylococci, streptococci, and Moraxella bacteria have been discovered in the upper respiratory tract, more common bacteria associated with other diseases. In contrast, in periods without asthma and more Corynebacterium, and bacteria belonging to the genus seizures found Dolosigranulum. If these bacteria flora of the good periods, suspended in favor of Moxarella-bacteria, then the risk has increased for a worsening of the asthma disease.

Asthmaanf&auml can;lle influence?

The researchers assume, therefore, that changes in the Multiple could be in the upper respiratory tract plays an important role for the occurrence of Asthma outbreaks play. To illuminate the closer, are now, animal experiments are planned in which it should be investigated whether a targeted influencing of the respiratory Multiple asthma attacks provoke or prevent.

With the help of the study, in which 214 children participated at the age of five to eleven years of age with mild to moderate Asthma, it should be clarified whether the Inhalation of a higher dose of corticosteroids in the case of a worsening of the disease, it is advantageous to – which was not the case. During the study, nasal mucosal samples of the children had been collected, resulting in the investigation of the micro-biomes of the upper respiratory tract was carried out in different stages of the disease.