Green tea prolongs life

According to a study from China, regular green tea consumption is associated with more years of healthy life and longer life expectancy. The effect is most pronounced in the case of long-term tea drinkers was.

People who drink at least three times per week green tea, the Chinese study found a lower risk for cardiovascular disease and premature death. Compared to people who drank less or no tea at all, had seizures on a regular tea drinkers have a 20 percent lower risk of heart disease and stroke, and a 22 percent lower risk of fatal heart disease and stroke and a 15 percent reduced General risk of death.

Tea: The regelmäßsodium, the better

Who drank tea, had seizures during the entire observation period, from an average of 8.2 years, regularly, even a 39 percent lower risk for heart disease and stroke, the risk for fatal heart disease and stroke was reduced by 56 percent, and that for deaths from all causes by 29 percent. Dr. Dongfeng Gu of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, explains why: "Studies have shown that the main bioactive Compounds in tea, the polyphenols, are not stored in the body. Therefore, regular consumption of tea over a longer period of time for the cardioprotective effect may be required."

For black tea, these effects were not observed, which may be due to the fact that too few study participants drank this type of tea, because in China, mainly green tea is drunk. The other is black tea is fermented fully converted to where the polyphenols, pigments and antioxidant effect lose can be.