Blood-pressure-take-lowering the best before Sleeping

So far, there are no recommendations to be taken what time of day medicines for high blood pressure should be. In order to keep the blood pressure in the Morning low, the majority of people after Waking up. A large study from Spain showed that the risk for cardiovascular disease and death is significantly lower when the medications for sleep time to be taken.

People with high blood pressure, take your medication before bedtime, to have a better controlled blood and a significantly lower risk of premature death or diseases of the cardiovascular system. Compared to ingestion in the Morning, the risk for heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure, and other diseases in patients, their medication before bedtime revenue was almost halved.

Professor Ramón C. Hermida, Director of Bioengineering and Chronobiology Labs at the University of Vigo in Spain, headed the project. He said: "The results of […] the Hygia project indicate that the average blood pressure in the sleep and the drop in blood pressure at night are the most important markers for cardiovascular risk." He advises the use of an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring around the clock to diagnose a real arterial hypertension and the risk for a cardiovascular-evaluate the disease. "In addition, both the reduction in the average systolic blood pressure in sleep as well as the increase in the relative blood pressure in the sleep phase are a major Schutzfaktor", so Hermida more.

The Hygia-Chrono-therapy study is the largest study that examines the influence of the time of day and the therapy of hypertension. 19.084 patients were divided into two groups that go to your tablets, either when Waking up or before bedtime revenue. The patients were observed over an average of more than six years.