Austrian Ex-Minister of Finance, involved, apparently, in the scandal of the blood test

In the scandal of the Heidelberg-based blood test for the early detection of breast cancer research, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine” (“FAZ have revealed”) that in the preparation of the market introduction of the Tests, the former Austrian Finance Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser was involved.

The Heidelberg University received worldwide attention after the “image”newspaper, celebrated a blood test of the Uni-Start-ups HeiScreen GmbH as a Sensation. The blood test should detect breast cancer at an early stage. The message went around the world – turned out, however, as a PR scandal, because the reliability of the blood tests have not yet been adequately explored.

In the year 2017, Grasser should have several consultations participated in, as the ex-offenders, entrepreneurs, Jürgen Harder, its entry into the company HeiScreen with his holding company breast Screen prepared. The a lawyer, Harders, the “FAZ confirmed”.

It was even considered to give Grasser in the blood test company will take a more active role, possibly in the management of the company. Also the management of the University hospital is informed about the participation of Grasser’s now. Grasser had to answer since 2018 in a corruption case. Harder received due to corruption in the year 2015, a suspended sentence.