CDC guidelines for after you’re fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday issued its first guidance detailing what people who are fully vaccinated against the novel coronavirus can do.

The federal agency says fully vaccinated people:

  • Can gather indoors with other fully vaccinated people and they can do so without wearing a mask
  • Can also gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household without masks, unless anyone present has an increased risk of severe COVID-19
  • Do not need to quarantine or get tested after being around someone with COVID-19 unless they have symptoms or live in a group setting, such as a correctional facility

A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna shots. If a person has received Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine, they are considered fully protected two weeks after the shot.

People should keep wearing masks, physically distancing and avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces until more is known about how the vaccines will affect the spread of the novel coronavirus and how effective they are against the variants, the CDC said.

The agency also said that, regardless of vaccination status, people should:

  • Avoid medium or large gatherings
  • Delay domestic and international travel
  • Watch for symptoms of COVID-19, especially if they’ve been around someone who is sick.
  • Still follow all safety guidance at their workplace

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