It doesn’t have to always be on the pill

The anti-baby pill is among the young women in Germany, the undisputed number one in the case of contraception. In a large-scale survey study, 90 percent of participants between the ages of 14 and 19 years were almost, to preventing with the pill. All of the other contraceptives came together to about nine percent. The proportion of Teenagers not prevent, is vanishingly small.

“That’s the good news,” says Patricia Oppelt, children and youth, gynaecologist and co-author of this so-called Tanco-study. “Even the young girls have a strong awareness of how important prevention is.” It happens more and more rarely, that girl without protection, had Sex for the first Time.

The pill keeps Oppelt for a suitable entry method: “The application is easy.” In addition, you could in pain against the rule, or blemished skin to help. Also, the protection from unwanted pregnancies is very high, higher than in the case of condoms. “But this is only if the pill is taken regularly,” said Oppelt.

This is the sticking point. In the survey, 35 percent said the young women, in the past three months on the pill once or twice a forget. Eleven percent of the respondents, this happened even three times or more. “Overall, half of the young women so fast the pill irregularly – it scared me already,” says study Oppelt author.

Young people know hardly know

In addition to the young people your woman doctors were interviewed. This kept their patients for much more reliable and estimated that only 34 percent had forget to take the pill at least once in the last quarter of the year. In fact, there were but 46 per cent. The irregular intake was not dependent on age, says Oppelt. “In interviews with older women, we come to similar values.”


For the study, “Thinking Of Needs in Contraception” were interviewed in 2015, a total of 18.521 women between the ages of 14 and 50 years, as well as 1089 gynecologists in Germany. First results appeared in the April 2017 in the journal “Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics”. The part of the data, the Year refers to the 14 to 19, have studied, researchers are now separate and in the Journal “obstetrics and gynecology” was published. In order the study was given by the pharmaceutical company Jenapharm, making all common contraceptives.

Also on the Knowledge the young people about each of the contraceptive methods, the gynecologist appreciated. The Doctors assumed that more than 80 percent of their patients know that the pill prevents ovulation. In fact, this was only 43 percent of the respondents clear.

Overall, the researchers asked the participants the twelve questions on the mode of action of different prevention methods, in addition to the pill, for example, to the hormonal and copper intrauterine, and vaginal ring. In the case of the pill, the majority of the young women, nine answered these questions incorrectly or not at all – even if the pill itself revenue.

“This shows that the awareness in the woman doctor’s offices is left to be desired,” concludes Oppelt, who works in private practice as a gynecologist. Also, young people want more information. 70 percent said they would like to know more about Alternatives to the pill. The Doctors surveyed believed that only 30 percent had this interest.

After you have been made in the Online survey, short information texts for each method available, said implant 68 percent of the participants, that for a long – term method of contraception would be an option, such as a hormone or copper spiral, a vaginal ring or a hormone. “These methods I would recommend it to older young people who struggle with the regular use of the pill,” says Oppelt.

Conclusion of the study: the fact That so many young women prevent with the anti baby pill, is not necessarily the fact that this was the most appropriate contraceptive. “Many simply don’t know what’s out there and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the other methods,” says Oppelt. Woman doctors advises you to ask your patients every one to two years, if you are satisfied with your choice or whether their needs have changed. “20 years ago there were hardly any Alternatives to the pill, today we have a great selection. We should take advantage of.”