Watching films can cause wrinkles and make you age quicker,study says

Watching films can age you prematurely because the faces we pull viewing thrillers or horrors make wrinkles worse, study claims

  • Experts believe faces we pull at thrillers, horrors or comedies cause wrinkles 
  • Study found viewers contorted their face 20 times in horror film 
  • During a comedy film we smile 115 times that could contribute to skin ageing  

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the cinema, a study warns that watching your favourite films could accelerate the signs of ageing.

Experts believe the faces we pull while watching thrillers or horrors, as well as laughing during comedies, could be contributing to wrinkles on our faces.

A study of 2,000 people found viewers contorted their face in fear 20 times over the course of a horror film, while a thriller saw fans pull a shocked, tense or surprised face 50 times.

Experts believe the faces we pull while watching thrillers or horrors, as well as laughing during comedies, could be contributing to wrinkles on our faces. File image used

Meanwhile, test subjects laughed or smiled 115 times during a comedy film.

Dr Harry Singh, of beauty brand Foreo, which led the study, said shocked expressions and squinting ‘might result in frown lines and crow’s feet…, which when repeated over a five-year period could again result in 50 per cent worse lines’. 

Laughing worsened crow’s feet and folds near the mouth by 40 per cent.

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