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Every third woman in Germany has experienced at least once in their life of violence. This takes various forms: emotional, physical and sexual violence within relationships, sexual harassment in the public space, forced marriage or trafficking in women. The help phone “violence against women” advises the last seven years, nationwide the number 08000 116 016 to all forms of violence. It provides Initial and crisis support around the clock, anonymously, in a total of 17 languages. Last year alone, more than 77,000 calls were received. The star spoke with Petra Söchting, Director of the help phone, about why there are so many women affected is difficult, the help of to look for, and how to help them, if they still have the courage to find.
Since seven years, the help phone “violence against women”, and since the first hour here.
More than 80 qualified consultants to help on telephone number 08000 116 016, E-Mail, as well as in the Immediately – or date Chat on – free, anonymous and confidential. The nationwide offer around-the-clock and 365 days in the year and is aimed at women affected by violence, persons from their social environment, as well as to professionals. If necessary, the advice can be in 17 languages and in German sign language and in easy language.
star: woman Söchting, many experts fear in the Wake of the Corona output restrictions, an increase in violence against women. You have achieved in the last few weeks, reports of violence increased outbreaks?
Söchting: In April, us in fact, more requests for Advice reached. Compared to the same month last year, we noticed an increase of about 20 percent. However, this does not mean necessarily that it is also come to more violence. I always warn against this correlation to produce. The increase may also be due to the increasing popularity of our offer. But I share the fear that there may be due to the Corona-restrictions to more violence against women.
The help phone is there for many of those Affected often the first point of contact. What are your first words of advice are, if you reached a cry for help?
A patent recipe, there is not. Violence against women has many faces, has very different facets and is as varied as the concerns and needs of women, report back to us. It is important for us to advise you individually. Each Situation and each case will be considered individually. The most important principle of our work is always to decide anything about the head of the Concerned or to a company.
Is there any advice I could give about a friend who is in a violent relationship?
Advice and tips to help in such a Situation, in fact, little. This sets the data only in addition to under pressure. I would advise to communicate to the girlfriend in the first place, that she has made the right step, to have entrusted to them. Because that is like that is likely to be very difficult. You assure her that you are on their side. To offer your support. This can look quite different.
Domestic Violence
If women and children are beaten at home – and nobody noticed
You can offer information about helpful services on site to obtain. Or accompany you to a consultation. You could jointly agree on very specific strategies for emergency situations. This can be a code word that you used, to signal to you that she is exposed to an acute danger. This can be an emergency suitcase with important papers and documents, you are deposited with them, to be able to in case of emergency access.
The most Important thing is that you can assure the Concerned that you are all the doubts, ambivalences and contradictions with their together. Because it is a great effort to get out of a violent relationship. And nothing without the consent of the Affected!
Domestic violence, especially against women and children is a global crime. The Corona-crisis has made the Situation of many victims even more difficult.
This Interview is part of the Initiative home #itself. With articles, posters, celebrity supporters, and more will be made aware of the issue.
There are also donations will be collected for organizations that are the Victims in Germany.
#home is an action of UFA, the Agency’s “The message”, as well as the Bertelsmann Content Alliance, to the in addition to the UFA, the media group RTL, RTL Radio Deutschland, Verlagsgruppe Random House, the BMG and the publishing house Gruner year, in which the star appears.
Please help Victims of domestic violence! Foundation star e. V. directs your donation to the women’s shelter coordination e. V. (FHK), the Association of women’s counselling centres and women’s emergency services (bff) and the Central information office of Autonomous women’s shelters (ZIF).
Foundation star e. V.
IBAN: DE90 2007 0000 0469 9500 01
Keyword: home
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The crucial step for those Affected is to someone?
Right. Our message is: Apply early to the Outside! You do not need to be ashamed. What happened to you tell! You can contact the help phone, a counseling center, or someone from the social environment. The Important thing is that you realize that you have the right to get help and support. This message is our contribution to the Empowerment of women. The Affected not to feel as helpless victims, but in their ability to feel.
Why is it because women are so hard to someone?
Violence means not only physical injury but also humiliation and degradation – and in the direct social environment. The result is that women are ashamed often that violence is. Give yourself a complicity, questioning her behavior. Many also fear that you will not be believed. Others have fear of further threats and escalations.
How do you take the women, these Fears?
First of all, we have designed our range so that the step turn to us to, as little as possible to Overcome the cost. We are available around the clock. The contact us is free of charge, but, above all, confidential and anonymous. You do not need to reveal his identity. This is a very important requirement for women to cart this is a first step.
Our consultants are professionally specialized, and professional. The educators, Social workers, licensed psychologists to take each individual case seriously and to be treated individually. We share information, demonstrate opportunities for action, and we do nothing without the consent of the women. You make every single decision yourself. Because they are the ones who have the control over your life.