Grandma’s beauty recipes you can trust

The contents

Washing with oatmeal

Tonic with Apple cider vinegar

A lotion of cucumber

Lemon oatmeal mask

Honey-almond mask


Grapeseed oil

Interest in modern cosmetology woke up in women together with the emergence of various effective procedures. But the old recipes of beauty the modern lady has ceased to trust. Although among them there are those who will be no less effective than what I do with clients in beauty salons. Today we will tell you these beauty secrets used by our grandmothers and which still can be trusted.

Washing with oatmeal

This grandma’s recipe of beauty is popular to this day. The thing is that it really works, so girls trust this method. Due to washing with oatmeal, the skin becomes soft, silky, is getting rid of blackheads.

Recipe: simply nemalite oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder, take a handful of this tool, pour some water and mix until the consistency of porridge. After that, apply the mask on the face exactly one minute. Rinse with warm water.

Tonic with Apple cider vinegar

Now there is a huge variety of tonics — for dry, normal, combination, oily skin, with different additions, including a note that this is “grandma’s recipe”. However, there’s nothing more effective and more natural than a remedy based on Apple cider vinegar. You shouldn’t trust this method, the acidity of the skin is in no way disturbed. This will allow her to find a tone.

Recipe: one teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar mixed with 200 milliliters of water. Then take a cotton pad and wipe the tool face. To do this it is recommended that after preliminary cleansing of the skin.

A lotion of cucumber

Cucumber has amazing properties, so it will be a great part of grandma’s beauty recipes. Especially useful for cucumber lotion, which allows you to whiten the skin. It also has anti-inflammatory effect.

Recipe: grate 300 grams of fresh cucumber on a coarse grater, pour a glass of vodka. Let the mixture steep for two weeks. Then press and strain. Liquid it is essential to RUB the skin of the face and neck.

Lemon oatmeal mask

This mask is extremely effective for oily skin. The tool will allow to refresh, cleanse, smooth out wrinkles. Thanks to her, pulls the skin, it becomes more radiant and beautiful, radiating health and beauty. No doubt, this grandma’s recipe for beauty, use every self-respecting girl.

Recipe: pour cereal yogurt or warm milk. Oatmeal should swell. Then add to the mixture a teaspoon of honey, few drops of lemon juice. The mask should be applied on cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Honey-almond mask

To saturate the skin with nutrients will help mask of honey and almonds. Our grandmothers often used the honey with the sour cream to get rid of inflammation, and also as a prophylactic.

Recipe: 100 grams of honey, 200 grams of lanolin and 100 grams of almond oil, heat in a water bath. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and let cool. To keep a product should be refrigerated. Apply the mask on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Many girls suffer from double chin. Great grandma’s recipe will allow you to get rid of this problem. It’s sand! Yes, don’t be surprised. The fact that one of the most common causes of double chin is bad posture. To remedy this situation with the help of the sack of sand. It should be put on the head (you can substitute with a book) and go like at home 10-15 minutes every day. This will improve posture and remove double chin.

Grapeseed oil

Moisturizing effect of grapeseed oil, which is the basis of my grandmother’s beauty recipes. Our grandmothers used it often, applying it on wet skin and rubbing it. Replacing grape oil can be almond.

We have no doubt that there are other grandma’s beauty recipes, which are no less effective than described above. Share your experiences in the comments and describe the recipes that helped to obtain the desired youth and beauty.