More and more people developing anal cancer – a vaccination can protect you

As before, there are types of cancer that are covered with great shame. This cancer is one: Anal. The disease could often be avoided. Because it is transmitted through sexual intercourse and caused by HP viruses.

A recent study shows that In the United States, more and more people became ill with anal cancer. The death rate had more than doubled. Also in Germany the Numbers are on the rise: in 2014, the disease occurred in nearly 2000 people (the most recent Figures, the centre for cancer registry data at the Robert Koch-Institute). Including more women than men were.

Although the cancer is in comparison to other relatively rare. Cancer of the colon, about the sick in the same year, 61.000 people, of lung cancer, nearly 54,000 people. But it could on the one hand, the deaths prevented by the disease is less stigmatized. On the other hand, the vaccination could protect many people against the disease.

Causes and risk factors of anal cancer

Because the trigger for anal cancer to 85 percent of the Human papilloma virus (HPV) are. These are transmitted through sexual intercourse. You are one of the main causes of cervical cancer.

Anal cancer attacks the Anus or the anal canal. Women are affected twice more often than men. To include a special risk group, all with a weakened immune system, such as Aids patients or transplant patients. As risk factors, cancer experts, call in addition, unprotected anal intercourse and Smoking.

Symptoms of anal cancer

  • Blood deposits on the chair
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Itching in the anal area
  • Burning in anal area

Similar complaints can also trigger hemorrhoids. Who discovered but such early signs of anal cancer, should have a proctology examination to clarify. That is, the area is first scanned. Then a endoscopy (proctoscopy), and tissue consequences, where appropriate, removal. The sooner the cancer and treated it is detected the better the chances of recovery are.

Vaccination can protect against anal cancer

The rising Numbers were a result of vaccination, and to mitigate physicians recommend to Ashish Deshmukh of the UTHealth School of Public Health in Houston in the “Journal of the National Cancer Institute”. The first successes, experts are already seeing in cervical cancer. Currently especially young women be vaccinated. But also for young doctors to recommend the HPV vaccine now.

However, the Coverage in both the USA as well as in Germany, with 50 per cent, still too low for herd protection.

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